Monday, September 10, 2012

“Essence Light” p: 174

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Monday 22 Elul 5772  

Page 174 – start of the sencond paragraph (line starts, 'vehinei...') For text, see picture below.

The priniciple is that all light – even that which comes after the tzimzum has an element of essence... this goes back to the origin of the light. It is not a presence in atzmus, but brought out volitionally. This will is essential and thus the light that results is an essential light.

And there are levels within this – that's why it says in the service, 'holy, holy, holy' – 3x kadosh. Holiness is removed from any external effects. Essence is by definition holy and removed (muvdal). It is present eveywhere but not absorbed.

Why the repetition of 3x 'holy' when holy anyway means pure and removed? Thats because there are different types of separation and removal...

In general there are 3 types of differences.

The light itself is simple, but when it comes into vessels it aquires an identification of chochmah/wisdom and chesed/kindness.

And what is said elsewhere that the light carries sphirot, nevertheless it has an element of simplicity relevant to the vessels.

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