Thursday, September 6, 2012

“Sight and Sound” p: 174

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Thursday19 Elul 5772   

Page 174 – 5rd line from top of the page (line starts, 'na-aseah...') For text, see picture below.

We have been looking at the difference between the tzimzum and the parsa. The tzimzum is what facilitates a light that can deal with 'worlds'. The light of ohr ein sof is beyond world and by means of the tzimtzum it becomes appropriate for world.

The parsa deals with light from atzilus allowing it to be enclothed in the lower worlds of biyah.

Light after the tzimzum affects in an absent manner, but light after the parsa is enclothed. Hislabshut/enclothment means that the light interacts with the vessel/keili.

There is an advantage to this hislabshut, because you 'have the real thing – reality itself'. Think of the way the soul gives life to the body. The body is made to live by the soul. The soul is enclothed in the body and we say, 'the body is alive' – you have the real thing.

A human being has physical experience of spiritual knowledge. Contrast this to a computer, that might contain huge amounts of information, but has no life.

The way the parsa allows for enclothement of the light is that, like hearing, where the eardrum actually vibrates, affecting the stirrup and anvil and the experience of hearing results, the light becomes affected by and involved with the vessel/keili...

the vibration of the eardrum is physical. But the sound carries intonations that the ear per se cannot distinguish. The beauty and the recognition of voices is experienced internally. There are sounds that the human ear cannot hear.

The light is received by the parsa, and undergoes a transformation.

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