Sunday, September 9, 2012

“See in the Nothing the Something” p: 174

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Friday 22 Elul 5772  

Page 174 – lower end of the top paragraph (line starts, 'hazimzum...') For text, see picture below.

The tzimzum per se is a total interruption – absence of light. Even after the light comes again there is still an element of absence, in that it is not invested in the recipients. After the parsa the light is invested in the vessels of the lower level.

Sechel is based on the soul's will and pleasure, not on observations. The master's mind is so structured. It is derived from his soul and not founded upon any specific structure. By contrast for the student it is the structure and the logic that gives him a grasp. Then he has to labour and work till he finds it in his own soul, till he can become a rav/master himself. This is a long process.

So this is the difference between atzilus and briah. Atzilus is like the master. Through the parsa the light of the higher level is invested in the lower level.

By contrast the tzimzum is followed by a light that is not invested in the level below it. There is light after a complete absence.

The light of the line/kav is like the light of the luminary and has an aspect of essence.

Essence cannot be grasped in a vessel, yet this light has an aspect of essence, to such an extent that it can create from 'nothing to something'.

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