Thursday, September 20, 2012

“So, What's the Point?” p: 174-175

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Thursday 4 Tishrei 5772 

Page 174 – 6 lines from end of the second paragraph – (line starts, 'ha-ohr...') For text, see picture below.

The vessel of chochmah is very refined. It is completely self effacing and thus the light shines there with great and bright revelation.

How is this sighting of a primal spark associated with what we call 'wisdom'? The explanation is that it takes 'wisdom' to recognize that the most important part of all is the truth rather than what you understand. This is like the wise man saying, 'I choose the king', and the practical men around him saying, 'what's the point? What are you going to get from the king?'

Mochin/mind in general has greater revelation of light than middot/emotions.

As a result of further refinement of the vessel, the light shines with greater clarity.

Thus the light of atzilus, is really invested in the vessels, yet it is still kadosh and muvdal (holy and separate).

This means that although all we understand has to go through some bodily effect, and is thus given a spacial imprint, it remains a soul experience, not a body experience.

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