Monday, September 3, 2012

“You Don't Understand” p: 173-4

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Monday16 Elul 5772 

Page 173 – 3rd line from end of the page (line starts, 'haray...') For text, see picture below.

Human beings may think they can understand the origin of existence. But this is a false idea. Yet the mind starts to think that no only will it understand what is given to us, but also to duplicate and verify it.

When your understanding is sharp you may think faith/emunah is no longer needed. But this is an error.

We talk about essence, but we should know it is something totally beyond our own understanding. It cannot be grasped and defined. The way to relate to essence is to recognize that we are not in 'no-man's-land'. Just as a king is hidden in his palace, yet his presence is everywhere – so too this world is not 'alone'.

If we think the world runs by itself, we sever ourselves from our own soul, intelligence and consciousness.

So the basis of all is to know, 'there is a First Being, and from His presence everything comes into being'. This is the basis of wisdom. This comes before thought.

Inside the text: we are saying that the light after the tzimzum/contraction has an element of essence within it.

In the world everything has to be found. But you have a primary knowledge that does not have to be searched for. You just need to be aware of it. In the world we are aware of things that change and bump us... if it doesn't change, we tend not to perceive it...

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