Monday, September 24, 2012

“The Element of Fire” p: 168

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Monday 8 Tishrei 5772  

Page 168 – 2nd paragraph – (line starts, 'vehinei...') For text, see picture below.

We have been looking at how light comes from essence and that, although it is a creation, it has an element of essence. An example for this was adam kadmon / primal man.

The presence of the light is a reality, not only its effect and function.

Here below we see that the light, even though it is a creation, brought into existence by His statement, 'let there be light' (in contrast to things He created by means of thought), is distinct from other creations, due to its refinement and intangibility and spirituality.

This is similar to the contrast between the element of fire and the other 3 elements. It is more unworldly and refined, compared to earth, wind and water. It does not blend with them, but continually seek to dissociate.

This is like the way that ruchniut/spirituality does not blend with gashmiut/physicality. They don't have a commonality, it is a continuous wonder that they interact at all.

And as we have been discussing they recognize and sense each other! Spirit and matter have totally different tendencies, yet they relate to each other. This is a miracle. 

Fire is a real creation, but it is seen in a worldly context only by consuming material. Earth cannot be consumed by fire.

Fire/aish is interchangeable with light. Fire is the part that consumes fuel. Light is that part of fire that is more refined. The light itself cannot be defined.

By nature fire rises upwards yearning to be included in its source, rather than to be a separate thing.

Gashmiut finds its place and occupies it – this provides for its presence. Ruchniut is present only because it senses its source. It never becomes and independent object. It yearns for its source.

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