Friday, September 28, 2012

“'I Don't Believe' is a Lie” p: 169

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Friday 12 Tishrei 5772 

Page169 – 6th line from the end of the page – (line starts, 'de-atzilus...') For text, see picture below.

This entire discussion, including the piece about physical fire, (which is physically present, but has an element of its source, to which it cleaves. Keili/vessel does not have this nature. It wants to be an entity 'unto itself'), are only metaphors to show that there are different levels, and the finer it is, the more recognition there is of the source within it.

Ohr is light. Ziv is shine. If we say a person's face has a shine, it is illustrative of the deeper life that is going on. It shows what's going on inside.

Light can have effect at a distance. 'Shine' doesn't cover distance – it doesn't have a presence.

We have to strip our perception to get to the reality of light. Just like sight relates to the spiritual faculty of chochmah/wisdom and relating to truth... so too light is not just a form of energy.

The light of daylight is effective, not by just extending itself outwards, but by remaining attached to to the source.

Faith is the upper level of wisdom. Wisdom/chochmah is described as koach mah – faculty of 'what' – a presence that is most receptive and humble. But it is a presence. Emunah/faith is also part of chochmah, but bitul/nullification applies only to chochmah not emunah/faith.  Faith is beyond bitul. There's no recipient like in chochmah. 

Faith/emunah is a spark of the soul, it is like the soul.

Breathing is given to us – we're not even aware of it – it is beyond 'taking it for granted' – it is the very experience of physical life. All awareness comes after this. But we can prevent it. This is a metaphor for life. Life is given automatically, but you can block yourself from the flow of life.

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