Tuesday, February 26, 2013

“Go With It” p:12

Go With It” p:12 AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Tuesday 16 Adar 5773

Page 12
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At the time of hearing from the mashpiah/mentor, the recipient must be focused on receiving what is being given. He has a personal experience of, 'it makes sense'. It is the inherent truth coming through, the provides the 'it makes sense' element. A stone flies, because 'it lets the person throw it'. So too with the person, 'you let the mashpiah/mentor teach you'.

That is hashapah/mentorship. That's why it is called shefa.

We have an understanding of ohr/light. Presence. It is not 'he is there' in an insignificant way, but, 'he is there with all the ramifications of his presence'. His home fits, his personality. A wealthy person is not one who has money, but one who relates to it and does not loose his head due to his wealth.

It is his presence that makes this his home. But this presence extends only to the extent to which he can relate.

The ohr/light is only a reflection. But it is a reflection of the essence. It represents 'what this person stands for'. The hashpah is of the essence itself. The throw of the stone is not just the result of movement of the hand. There has to be an aim. And only a human being can give it this quality. Here the influence is not by ohr/light, but by shefah – he has to actually propel the stone.

Shefah is an actual piece of the essence.

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