Friday, February 22, 2013

“Real Mind” p:12

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Friday 12 Adar 5773 

Page 12
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We are looking at the influence of sechel, in the manner of shefa, which means it is in the same category as as a flowing river or a stone that is thrown. We see that the teacher/rav is fully involved in the material he is transmitting.

This is because it is a transmission of the body of the reflection of his sechel (guf ha-arah sichlo).

The rav/master can give over an element of what he understands, but not his own experience.

What is so important about his own experience of the sechel? We are exposed to sechel chitzoni (external mind) which even an animal or a computer can recognize.

So we have to clarify for ourselves that sechel is an inner reality. Sechel that is known exclusively by logical deduction is something external and not something that is really related to. Sechel is knowing the truth because it is true.

Sechel is fundamental knowledge. The basis for it is the reality of life. And this is the sechel that the mashpia/mentor has unto himself. His emotions and activities are based on this sechel.

Then there is ha-arah sichlo (a reflection of his sechel) that he can transmit to the student.

And in this influence the mashpia/mentor is giving the guf of ha-arah sichlo, which means that what is being presented is not the proof and external elements, but the truth of the statement, even though it is a ha-arah (reflection).

Seeing the mentor present the material gives the body of the reflection of his sechel. At that moment the mashpia is connected to the truth where that sechel is based. And for that reason he must be fully involved and commited to it. He is not remanissing.

The master has to sense the universal truth of the topic and then that is the platform for the transmission.

The truth of our mind is based on chochmah/wisdom. Chochmah has no proof. It is beyond debate and is the fundamental element of all human sechel/mind. Thus all learning is based on this fundamental truth and this is the strenght behind it. If you do not perceive that the world is held up by His will, then you don't have trust in anything.

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