Sunday, May 4, 2014

“Animal Soul” p:59

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 

Sunday 4 Iyar, 5774

Page 59

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The animal soul is a living soul. If the only way it knew of the world was through physical experience it would be a 'body' knowledge, not a 'soul' knowledge.

The human soul/nefesh has sechel/mind and recognizes a true presence. It knows the world due to the Godly presence, except it relates not to the Godly presence per se, but to its effect.

Physical effects are not even at the level of the human soul animal soul! It relates to the Godly element as it is affected by it. It relates to the worldly reality via the Godly reflection that is in it.

The Godly soul also sees the world. And the world is after the contraction/tzimzum. So what does it mean that it only sees Godliness? Think of 'theft'. From the worldly perspective the negative aspect is seen – don't violate a certain reality. The Godly soul sees it differently; that its not possible to violate the Godly reality. It sees the world through a Godly lens...

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