Monday, May 12, 2014

“Continual Rising” p:60

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 

Monday 12 Iyar, 5774

Page 59

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The labor of the Godly soul is by effort fighting an opposition – working to affect a bitul/humility in the animal soul.

The Godly soul guides the animal soul in changing its desires and discarding his coarseness. For the animal soul to want Godliness is an anomaly.

By this struggle is completed the inner intent. That there be a dwelling place for Him in the lower worlds – ie full cognizance of His presence.

The soul's descent is for 2 things. To perfect the animal soul and to draw Godliness down here below – so that there will be a dwelling place for Him here below.

The animal soul comes to the point of saying, 'I should want essence...!' This is the phenomenon of sechel/mind. It is rooted in that which is higher than it. It realizes that the creation comes from something way higher than world. And it says, 'okay you can relate to what you experience, but it is not reality.' The animal lives at the level of experience and knows nothing of truth.

Sechel discounts its experience. And strives for truth.

Sechel goes for the truth 'because it is true, not because it is my experience'.

The animal soul can begin to relate to Godliness per se and not to its experience. This is due to the birur/purification.

There used to be the service of 'fasting'. How was it productive? The principle is that normally you depend on the food and so you relate to it, and say, 'I ate, so now I can go into my day...' Fasting is eliminating this interconnection. Dissociating from the physicality necessities. And then you can look at the Godly truth...

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