Tuesday, January 13, 2015

“All The Colors” p:72(18)

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, 

22 Tevet 5775

Page 72(18)

At about midway into the page – (line begins: 've-hagum...') For text see below.

We are looking at the way the light gets dressed into the vessel. It functions according to the vessel, but remains unaffected. Think of clear water in a colored glass... (this is the example from the Pardes).

We may seem the water in a colored glass is a simple and obvious situation. We see the colored water, but may dismiss it as not being 'provided for us'. Think of a world devoid of colors... we would lose a sense of our own midot/emotions... every action has a vitality behind it. In a colorless world there would be actions devoid of feeling. It is significant that the glass gives color to the water.

In everything there is a sense of Godliness – all the way up to Godliness itself...

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