Thursday, January 8, 2015

“Beyond Grasp” p:72(18)

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, 17 Tevet 5775 

Page 72(18)

At about a third into the page – (line begins: 'umekol makom...') For text see below.

The vessel conceals the light that it contains.

The light however is not grasped by the vessel... Since the light as it is in the world of atzilus has no limit to its expression, even though it becomes imbued in the vessel/keili, it does not acquire the identity of the vessel.

There is no way the human quality of the human soul can be 'captured' or grasped by identification of how he functions...

The will/ratzon encompasses the entire human spectrum of human faculties. The vessel reveals the faculty and the light, but it is not made by the vessel.

The light is not limited by the vessel. This is like a man driving. The car is limited to going right and left, but the man has a destination in mind. That element cannot be captured by the vessel. The light does not lose its significance.

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