Thursday, January 22, 2015

“Everything Intended” p:2

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, 5775 

Page 2

Last paragraph of the page – (line begins: 'ku...') For text see below.

At every level there is a crown. Everything is intended. Each level has its significance.

Ratzon/crown is of the essence. There are 2 levels – atik that represents the source; and arich that represents the potential development that comes from it. Arich is the whole chain of development as it is contained in its source.

Adam kadmon (original man) is the kesser/crown for the whole chain of creation (seder hishtalshalus).

In this world things are in 'time and place' and so to relate to something it has to be 'in your world', otherwise it can be counterproductive. This explains why someone who has $100 wants $200 – he can relate to more, but he doesn't relate to massive increase... So too if a man travels, he wants to get to a place, 'as it really exists in the world', and to do that he has to cover ground and be on the journey....

So too each level of creation has its own glory. Its own reality.

You see this in urban planning... each area has a head and a plan and therefore a logical grid of streets... and the reason there are 'local' crowns (pratie kesser) is because there is a general crown to the process of creation...

The crown is not at the level of 'expression'. It is at the level of reality itself. The king's crown does not represent his wisdom, but rather his supreme reality. The crown is thus not 'revelation', rather it is 'him as he is unto himself', but as he is here, not staying away in is private chambers...

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