Tuesday, January 27, 2015

“In The Room” p:3/2 Tuesday Night

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Shvat 5775 (this is Tuesday night - in place of the regular Thursday night class)

Page 3 of pamphlet, Page 2 in the book (line begins: 'helem...') For text see below.

Nefesh talks in terms of reality. A running dog doesn't see a house, nor a wall, just an obstacle. A human being sees what's there – sees the meaning and the full presence of things.

A human being is not the result of 'development'. He was conceived by God in his totality.

A human being identifies a house that he sees. It is due to his own relationship with a house. Without that he could not identify it. He personally relates to it and this is the source of his sechel...

In essence there is no light. The essence is beyond 'standing for something'. Essence does not stand for anything.

Oneg/delight goes beyond 'invulnerability' and 'I can face any challenge'. The essence has such depth and reality that it is a delight.

Life is not the ability to react and respond. Life is an essence. It is beyond awareness. He is the first Being. One may ask, 'What does He do all day?' But then you realize, 'What are you talking about?' There is no lack. Nothing can complement Him. He is pure reality itself. Not some kind of reality that came into being in response to a need. And so the soul of man is not a response to a worldly existence...! Man has a life element completely beyond body. It changes the nature of body completely.

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