Sunday, January 11, 2015

“Sunrise” p:72(18)

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, 20 Tevet 5775 

Page 72(18)

At about midway into the page – (line begins: 've-hagum...') For text see below.

The light of the soul is 'dressed' in particular vessels. For example the 'home' – it is what expressed the reality of the person on the worldly level...

Sechel/mind recognizes demarcation of location.

We learn Torah not on the basis of world and personal experience. We strive to see what Torah is telling us directly.

The light is dressed in the vessel and relates to it. It functions according to the limits and form of the vessel...

Yet is it not transformed to the essence of the vessel.

The human element is the real thing. It is a secular view that all of the world is meaningless. We say the mountains and rivers praise God. We see life beyond the form. We see the world is intended.

The earth is a Godly creation and hence it is a full fledged presence and reality. The human being is uniquely Godly – he is made by the hand of God and then his soul was specially blown into him. The human is not just a physical presence – his presence is Godly.

Although the soul functions in the body, it is not transformed to the reality of the body.

Sechel is an amazing gift – it is the ability to perceive a Godly truth within the worldly level. Sechel is dressed in the body, but is not given over to the reality of the body.

There is no physical definition of life. There is none. Life is not changed to fit the essence of vessels.

Mistakes follow from a choice. Will I acknowledge that I did not make the world? I cannot know the world independent of its Creator? Or will I say that I can define the world and the things in it according to my preference?

The world is not my store and I don't decide the price of all the merchandise...

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