Sunday, January 18, 2015

“Two Crowns” p:1 'Big Ein Base'

'Big' AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Tevet 5775 

Page 1

At end of top of the page – (line begins: 'besha-ah...') 

We are starting a new phase. We are beginning the 'Big' Ain Base (the series of discourses from Shavuoth of that year). Till now we have been doing the 'Small' Ain Base (a series of discourses from Rosh Hashanah of that year).

This will be demanding.

We know we don't get the whole story in one line. We have developed patience. We will be using this patience.

Left, right and center exists in the human being. The right hand is the most forthcoming (this is the midah/emotion of chesed/kindness).

This is reflective of the structure of the soul (nefesh). Middot are the complement of the person. You may have an idea, and then it broadens out into a whole array of details... this is middot.

You start with a single point. Then from there comes a whole development into the realm of space and time.

This is the point of wisdom/chochmah coming down into the level of middot (emotions) – sechel/mind gives inspiration to the emotions/middot. And the middot are the actualization of the original chochmah/wisdom.

A human is real. Things are not reactive and natural for him – he has intention. So if he was only chesed/kindness, then his own presence would be totally lost. Do you have an identity or are you just a conduit for the flow of the water? So in every human activity there is left right and center. These correspond to chesed/kindness, gevurah/severity, and tifferet/beauty.

Tifferet is the perfect balance between chesed and gevurah.

Torah is from this central line of tifferet.

This can be readily seen. It gives all kinds of blessings, and all have some kind of 'precondition'. Nothing comes 'free'. That's klipa. Torah joins 'left and right'.

In all relationships there have to be both qualities – openness, but not hefker. Restraint with a meaning.

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