Friday, October 25, 2013

“Bringing Essence” p:40

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Friday 21 Cheshvan 5774 
Art by: Rivka Segall

Page 40 (מ)

At about 10 lines from the end of the page – (line begins: 'levad...') For text, click: Here.

We are saying that spiritual mentorship (hasphah ruchni) does not create a separate entity.

It gives the effect (ha-arah) rather than the essence.

One can fail at 'acting like a human being' but one cannot fail 'to be' a human being. It has no bounds.

Conscious mind does not have the power to change you. But your deeper mind is the human essence, and can say, 'you better move'. This is beyond reasoning with yourself.

Light has a true presence. A little light dispels much darkness. But light is not the essence. The effect of light (enabling one to see objects) ends. It seems to be automatic, but it is not. It is not automatic, because it is a presence, like mind is an ohr (light) not essence.

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