Wednesday, October 2, 2013

“Intent Beyond Presence” p: 35

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Wednesday 28 Tishrei 5774 

Page 35 (לה)

At about 5 lines from end of the page – (line begins: 've-chol...') For text, click: Here.

We looked at the silence that existed at the dividing of the sea... we said it indicates the highest nullification.

Bitul/nullification indicates the lowest level, non function, but here it is indicating the highest level – beyond understanding. And all comes from Above rather than from his own activity.

Thus it is said, 'the fence that leads to chochmah/wisdom is silence...' - Pirkei Avot.

You have faculties of your soul – chochmah/wisdom is the highest of them. Above the faculties is the 'living human being'. Chochmah is the highest faculty because it can relate to this makif – the 'living human being'.

The makif comes from the essence.

The silence is the means by which the chochmah can relate to the makif.

The silence reaches an aspect of the interior of the crown (pnimiut ha kesser), which is the 'intent', that is beyond 'presence'.

The real human being is this pure truth. Something that is there in silence. The most significant aspects of a person are not his capabilities, but rather, 'who made me'. This is a silent aspect that is above wisdom (chochmah).

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