Sunday, October 20, 2013

“Money & Value” p:40

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Sunday 16 Cheshvan 5774 

Page 39 (לט)

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In physical hashpaah (mentorship) though it comes from a finite person, it has no limit. It can continue indefiniely.

This infinity seen in procreation, defies understanding.

Science says there is no truth. All creatures are seen as the result of the struggle to survive.

Things in the world are finite and depend on other things...

Fundamental reality is lacking.

But we say there is bli gvul – beyond boundaries... the soul of the human being has bli gvul – infinity and a perception of truth in an absolute sense... the principle of chochmah/wisdom is that there is such a thing as absolute truth...

The human being was created to be different from everything else. God put a Godly soul into him. This is a Godly presence, not a worldly presence. The life that is in the animals, is on the body level. The life in a human being is independent. It is life in a body. The animal is a living body.

A human being is base on a spiritual perception and intellect, and not body.

This is bli gvul – infinity – truth 'in and of itself' and not a reaction to certain circumstances.

You may think each era creates a new human being. But Israel is different, he is a continual representation of God.

The Jewish people have not rational reason to 'preserve their way of life', but no matter what happened, no dent was made in the resolve of the Jewish people to live the Jewish life.

This infinity is demonstrated in procreation. The essence is given over.

'I want to be' is lame.

'I want to be what He made me to be' is potent and meaningful.

All worldly development is seen to be based on wanting to survive, or not be hungry... Actually there is a positive Godly impulse in existence and human reality.

A master guides his student. He does not give information. He gives an element of what he is currently experiencing, and thus his mentorship is of a different calibre.

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