Thursday, October 31, 2013

“Light & Essence” p:41

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel
ThursdayNight 27 Cheshvan 5774

Page 41 (מא)

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We went over to speak about hashpah atzmiut – essential influence.

We have a misconception that all activity is due to a lack and pursuit of gain. This is the way things are justified in the world. Going all the way back to God. But he is based on truth. So thus all creations have an embedded sense of this truth – to some extent.

The earth supports massive amounts of vegetation – this too is reflective of a Godly truth.

Now think of the Jew with his Godly essence. We identify 2 levels – both with truth. There is the haspha of the ha-arha (reflection) and secondly, the haspa (influence) of the essence. And this is not due to any lack, or for the sake of eliminating any kind of negativity.

We teach our kids. We show them basic things. These things can seem to be for alterior motives, such as, 'so you don't hurt others', but the real purpose behind our teaching is so that they can recognize their Godly reality. In the US it is turned upside down, the kid is born and the parent asks, 'how will he earn a living', and this negative becomes the motivation. But we base it on the positive...

On an essential level, he is mashpia (providing positive influence) since he is an essence. For no particular reason.

Let's say with God's help you have a child. The child is a fully fledged individual, who goes on to recognize and represent God in the world.

Essence cannot be definitavely defined.

An essence has everything. Despite the fact that it doesn't need anything. It is based on its own truth, not the service of any purpose.

Your legs and feet and voice are all manifestations that your soul sees the whole world as its platform...

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