Sunday, January 1, 2017

“Show Me The Money” p 59

Faith is part of chochmah. Faith is like seeing Godliness. It is beyond understanding. This is why 'once you have seen something, no proof will convince you otherwise.'
Show Me The Money” p 59
Ayin Base with R' Paltiel. Kislev 5777

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Page 59 [of the pamphlet] 7th line of the page – line starts: 'mishum'. (P45 in the book)

We are saying why should does there need to be 2 contractions above, till world can exist?

This is because the sphirot themselves had absorbed the infinity to such an extent that there needed to be an additional reduction.

We said infinity gets enclothed in chochmah/inspiration.

This is because chochmah can relate to what is shown to it without having to personalize it.

In chochmah the surrounding light becomes inclothed in an inner 'personal' way – they cannot be separated from each other. The light has to be reduced so that chochmah can handle it...

Faith is part of chochmah. Faith is like seeing Godliness. It is beyond understanding. This is why 'once you have seen something, no proof will convince you otherwise.'

Map of 3 The Shiur by Michoel Pais

Disclaimer: Sovev is (hitsonius - how it relates to world) Ohr Ein Sof mammish.

Shabbas lights & Channukah Lights

2 Tzimtzums
1.Silug (removal of Ohr Ein Sof)

Why is #2 needed?
10 Sefiros retain an imprint of Ohr Ein Sof. Ex:Chochmah, (Sight) doesn't need to be verified with touch.

In gashmius: Sight has huge effect on a person. Sees panorama and takes it in w/o needing to relate to what it sees.
Warned: watch your sight!
Once it "sees" ohr ein sof, it retains this impression.

2nd tzimtzum reduces the Roshem - impression of ohr ein sof and allows chochmah to function in world.

Worldy mashuls. Everything retains that it is a Gdlt creation, but it obscures this.

Neshama is ohr ein sof relative to physical world. Life.

Within neshama is koachs midos etc. And has essence "btzalmenu kadmoseinu".

Ex: Conceptualizing building a table. In concept, the table is perfect. Relates to his sense of human dignity. This would produce a perfect table, beyond world. Reflects neshama perception.

The unshakeable and unbreakable table.

Ex: Home of a person. Makes him an adam! After aquiring it, ye projects all the things he can use it for. Comes from his soul, not his comparison to other homes. Projects a perfect house.

Tzimtzum #2: Attacking the ruchnius of the whole concept.

To actually build a table, forget the neshama table! It cannot be put together by pieces!

Tell me how it'd look in my dining room!

Ex:Thinking of an idea. We dont think of it in words, we think of the idea itself.

Ex:Light of 1st day vs flashlight. We perceive it, but initially without words. To express it, need to identify differences (and forget the reality?).

1st tzimtzum: From lmaalo lmato.
"I want to give you an idea"

2nd tzimtzum: From lmata lmalo.
"what are you talking about? I dont get you! I have nothing to touch! Give me it on a tangiable level."

Table = The world is here to serve me.

Why do I deserve to be served? (Comes before 1st tzimtzum. B/c Gd defined me as such. The whole world is mine.)

Ex:Inspiration of building an Empire State Building. Utilize that space. Why? B/c it was given to me.

Roshem - an impressiom, not the real thing. "Ohr ein sof was here."
Ex: Chassidim of the Alter Rebbe's court.

Here lmato, Rosgem gives you the sense that you Cannot stoop down to the world.
Ex:A good carpenter cannot create a table without seeing the room in which it is meant to be.
Ex: Assembly line, cannot put ones whole talent into a screw.

Ohr HaSovev & Chichmah : Relates so well to it that gets it bhinas Pnimi! "My reality". Can't lose it!

To come down to world, must diminish this effect.

Emunah - level/part of Chochmah. I believe b/c i have the truth itself. Seeing elokus. (Not b/c i want to believe). Beyond understanding altogether.
^like receiving Ohr ein sof.
Ex:Once one sees something, cannot be proved otherwise.

Ex: Home demands/brings out all the comforts/details of a home. See home? See the human being living there!
Imagine: Remove the walls! (Removed the sovev/makif) *Remainder* of the setup. Trace, Roshem.

Sitting comfortable at your home. Take the walls off! Still comfortable?

Ohr eloki is meant to enter worldly context. Roshem prevents this. (Needs diminishing)
ex:Table to serve the human being, in the world.
Dignity & Discipline: Live like a human being. This is what you are here for. What you're Representing (& not just the physical experience)

Increasing/clarifying Mirrors

Minimizing Mirrors

Shows you the whole thing, but only a trace of it.

= like "from the corner" (material of the Tzitsis same as the garment), but not the corner (garment) itself.

Ohr ein sof as it is in Chochmah.

Roshem has quality of Ribui Ohr b'bhinas of bli gvul.

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