Thursday, May 3, 2012

Blown From Internal Reality” p: 159 AyinBase with R' Paltiel    Thursday 11 Iyar 5772 

Page 159 – below the middle of the page (line starts, 'hasagasam...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

The oddity is that the soul gets so embedded in the body that it sees things through the senses of the body.

The union is affected by a supreme faculty. It forces the soul to step out beyond its own framework and inclination. First the soul is pushed to reveal itself and then to come into the level of 'flesh life' and 'natural life' that is according to the manner of the body.

Now the soul starts to know things thru the body and 'experience' as opposed to just knowing them because they are true.

The supreme faculty / koach ellyon forces the soul to enter into this type of relationship.

When G-d made man, he fashioned him from the dust of the earth and then, 'blew into his nostrils'. The Zohar explains that the breathing/blowing is from the inside, and as the Alte Rebbe adds, 'from his internal reality'.

Blowing is an action, but it involves the 'life force' of the blower. And this is how He made man and inserted the soul into the body.

We don't find this with the creation of any other creatures. He used effort/force to make man. By contrast He created the rest of the world without engaging Himself and His force.

He blew with exertion to make man. This is the revelation of the inner, deep and hidden level. The force is indicative of this depth. Things that are functional don't need force. Something deeply hidden needs force and exertion to come out.

This is like jumping or skipping. It takes force. He goes from one place to another and the force carries him across a distance. Walking by contrast does not resort to an inner desire and force. It is already defined by the limbs of the body. Even fast walking or running, which takes more force, still doesn't use the element of bringing forth forceful overcoming of an obstacle.

But jumping, from a height to a low place takes special force. If he didn't use his force it would be a fall. Jumping downwards takes a special control so that he lands on his feet.

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