AyinBase with R' Paltiel Tuesday 23 Iyar 5772
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are talking about the element of bitul/humility that exists in the
soul, such that he is one with Elokus/G-dliness and personal presence
is set aside.
is what surfaces in the soul's willingness to come down into the body
even in a moment when it is imbued with great ecstasy! He distracts
himself from that pleasure to follow the essential intent! This has
nothing at all to do with his personal experience. There is no
personal satisfaction or engaging of his faculties.
is called kabalot ol malchut shamayim – taking on the yoke of the
kingdom of heaven. This is putting himself aside. He lets go of his
personal wishes and nullifies himself to the true will of Him.
explained earlier, that this is from the essence root of the souls of
Israel. The soul is not involved in 'what it is' but is showing how
it is one with Him (Atzmus Ein Sof).
is the point? Anything a person does has 2 elements – what he does
and who he is. Take the example of one understanding something –
there is the material that is understood and there is the I,
that has the understanding.
every thought or action there has to be something that unites it and
gives it meaning – this is the person himself. So the real basis
of each step of man is the intent behind it. That is true when we
view the person as separate, but there is a deeper level, where
taking a step is not based on the existence of the individual, but on
the Maker. The function of the soul now is not from its own
orientation, but due to the overall G-dly reality. This is kabalot
ol malchut shamayim.
is beyond personal perspective. He is not relating to his
experience, but to where he is sourced. He puts aside his will.
This is how the soul stays connected to the body, since he says this
is the higher intent. This is beyond sechel/mind.
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