Thursday, May 17, 2012

“Beyond Making Sense” p: 161

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Thursday 25 Iyar 5772  

Page 161 – lower third of the page (line starts, 'hadavar...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

In explaining the concept of tzelem/form, the Rebbe brings a line from the gemara, that when you quote a line from someone, you should picture the sage in front of you. And by doing this you will bring the wisdom in a more truthful manner.

Why is picturing the sage allowing for a more truthful reporting..?

the thought itself is just a 'reflection' – a functional reflection of the real thing. But the sage himself is 'the real thing'. So when you see the source in your mind's eye at the time of the quote or sees the sage physically at the time that he give the teaching... then the experience is such, that the very essence of the wisdom of the sage shines in an element of makif/surrounding which is superior to the specific emanation itself.

The sage didn't make a logical deduction and make a statement. He's presenting more than that. He presents his reality. In fact the statement he makes is a step down from the reality that he inhabits. He has a higher view. He's drawing from an infinite source. That's why when you have the sage in front of you, you have an aspect of this infinity and vision that the sage has! You're not just based on the validity of the stand alone statement.

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