AyinBase with R' Paltiel
Tuesday 1 Sivan 5772
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are looking at the topic of ohr atzmi / essential light.
means essence. Representing a primary truth, not a composite or a
functional coordination. This is essence. Now we are saying there
is a tzurah or gilui atzmi (an essential form or revelation). This
seems contradictory, because a revelation in our perception is not
something in its primary state. A gilui/revelation to us has an
'additional cause' and then is not essential.
what is an essential revelation? This is a light that is
cleaving to, and united with the essence. There is no other
ingredient. This is in contrast to light that leaves its source and
enters a space where the source is not present. It is made up of
the source and the space it occupies.
said yesterday, that this is not merely an intellectual challenge.
The principle message in this is to enable us to bring the principle
that 'the world is a G-dly creation' into detail/actualization.
We're saying 'the world is a G-dly creation' is not an historical
statement, it is a declaration that there is essential light, His
presence in the world.
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