Friday, May 11, 2012

“Perceive the Incomprehensible!” p: 161

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Friday 19 Iyar 5772 

Page 161 – at 2nd line of the page (line starts, 'yiheyeah...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.
The union of the body and soul is facilitated by the body's submission and surrender of its nature. It becomes sensitive to the soul's sensitivities.

And from the perspective of the soul, the union is manifest by the recognition that even in its most supreme level its desire is to burn up into G-dliness... so the soul is oblivious of world and body altogether... it grasps G-dliness without parameters and becomes imbued with oneg/pleasure, because this is more than 'knowing about something', it is a relating to truth and the fact that there is no grasping... it perceives the incomprehensible! And that state you would think is completely divorced from the body.

The soul at essence seems to be moving away from the body, relieving itself of the bodily constraints... yet still it is not totally severed from the body... it remains with it... this is the elment of hisyashvut / settled presence.

This, contradictory state of the soul is like the 2 meanings of the word kalah/bride. On the one hand it implies going out and being consumed in something higher and also phonetically the sound of the Hebrew word for prison – locked in. So in the state of overriding desire he still has the state of being bound below.

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