Monday, May 7, 2012

“Unending Flow” p: 160

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Monday 15 Iyar 5772 

Page 160 – about 10lines from the end of the top paragraph of the page (line starts, 'mazel...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.
We were saying that this tzelem/form that is the initial force behind bringing the soul to the body and pushing for its revelation...

It is a force that brings out every element of the soul. The soul's specific faculties, its general identity and its success... this is like mazel machkim – mazel that 'makes one wise'.

The reason it is called mazel is because there is no logical process whereby this is accomplished.

Normally wisdom is acquired piece meal, but this mazel is the sense that there is a constant flow from a huge resource. There is no boundary or limit. This mazel machkim is also forced by the reality of the soul itself that we call the tzelem/form, which is totally above any experience or form. It it the essential reality. It provides for unending flow.

This is like the mazel/flow that makes one wealthy. This is beyond a specific concrete. There is no specific mechanism (job, deal or invention) it is growing from itself.

Ohr/light is an even more unobstructed flow than liquid. Liquid flows by means of a path, but light moves in every direction equally. In the sechel, the one in this state, sees brightness from every angle.

There is an increase in life and great pleasure/oneg in each topic as he receives from the makif/surrounding level. This is like King David – his pleasure in Torah was from the Garden of Eden itself – (as seen for example in verse 119 of Psalms).

Normally sechel is based on sechel/intellect – with structure and definition. But when you have ohr hasechel – the light of intellect, then there is no need for substantiation. The structure becomes the result rather than the base.

All this discussed above is the hiluch/walk or process resulting from the push of the tzelem/form, which is the hidden essence of the soul. 'Hidden' because it is essential and essence is necessarily hidden because there is no way to express it!

This is the reality behind the function of all the faculties. There is no tangible explanation. The soul is pushed by the true reality itself. It forces it into all the revelations... and expressions... and that they should be in a manner that relates to and unifies with the body. The body becomes a participant with the soul and it no longer acts independently!

This is saying, that although as we see the activities of a person in specific contexts, it is an expression of the overall identity of the person.   

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