Sunday, May 6, 2012

“Soul Walking” p: 160

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Sunday 14 Iyar 5772  

Page 160 – about middle of the top paragraph of the page (line starts, 'behiskalus...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.
What causes the human soul to descend into the body? This is a superior faculty from the essence.

The faculties of the soul come through by a process – a walking. As a result of being present in the world he is not limited to his specific place. But the lower faculties are limited to his specific observations of his surroundings. The primary reality is beyond place. This is what enables a person to move to another place and get acclimated. This is because he has an essential level and says, 'this too is part of my world and I can learn about it'.

So hiluch/walk is like the experiential level of the person rather than the essential level. 

The form/tzelem brings about the 'walk' and the revelation of the faculties, otherwise the soul would be, 'completely into itself'.

Hiluch/walk means not just revelation, but a revelation of a great amount of light.

What is the ribo ohr/much light that is revealed? There is a fundamental difference between our faculties that relate to circumstances and subjects versus those that are more makif/surrounding. middot/emotions do not exist without a subject. Kindness comes out when there is someone who is need of kindness.

Sechel/mind is different. It has a certain reality of its own and thus one can delve into this alone and at length...

Yet even in sechel there is a subject. There is no simple sechel – no matter how profound the sechel has a subject. Then we go to different category altogether. There's a level where no subject is needed – oneg/pleasure and ratzon/will represent that the soul is alive. This is not an experiential level that is known only if it is experienced.

The more general faculties need no stimulus – they are not reactive. The soul need no push to want to live. Oneg and ratzon is the way that the soul is brought into the body and the tzelem/form forces them. This way the body has not just functional faculties, but a real element of life.

The ribo ohr / great light is the revelation of the essence, not the answer to the question – and this too is by means of tzelem/form. The tzelem is the essence of the soul above that facilitates this journey/import.

This essence of the nefesh/soul is inseparable from the source of the soul.

The sechel and middot can actually grow. For example success in learning.

You put in effort and you see results. You proceed in an orderly way. So what is success in learning? It means that along with the learning process comes insights from the brightness of the light... one learns and becomes immediately aware of the implications and applications... mazel is the source of the sechel – the source... this is due to the tzelem/form as it develops the makif/mazel...

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