Thursday, May 31, 2012

“Soul Walk” p: 163

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Thursday 10 Sivan 5772 

Page 163 – at 7th line of the page (line starts, 'umiktzat...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

The principle being discussed is that, He is hidden (behelem) and as a result this cannot be a reference to Essence itself. The reason is that 'helem'/concealed is a state of being. Essence is a level beyond revealed and concealed and thus the adjective hidden/helem is not applicable.

In the body are different faculties; sight, walking, writing... but these are rooted in the soul and not the body. They are not superimposed on the person. The soul knows 'walking' and the process of learning to walk is a revelation of this soul quality... The emanation of 'walking' from the soul is called ohr/light since it emanates from an essence. Ohr is how the essence reveals itself.

There are different levels of ohr. There is one level that remains completely attached to the soul and does not relate to keilim/vessels/revelation. And then there are levels that have a relationship to expression.

And revelation is the light coming in a way that is fitting for the vessels of perception (7th line in the parentheses).

What is understanding? It is your mind relating to a situation and a conclusion. This is already a mind and soul principle.

Oneg and ratzon (pleasure and will) are not revealed, but they affect all the faculties. At the lower level of pleasure and will it can be revealed.

But the element of essence is not revealed.

The soul of man is a supreme entity, yet it is enclothed in the body and gives it vitality. Why? You would think this is taking it away from its element. And it is a departure for it, but its true mission is to have an effect. Soul has as its completion to affect everything in the world. This is the nature of an essence – it affects everything.

The real definition of the essence is not what it defines for itself, but what the Creator defines for it. And thus it includes the element of gilui/revelation.

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