Thursday, May 3, 2012

“The Gangster and The River” p: 159

AyinBase with R' Paltiel ThursdayNight 11 Iyar 5772   

Page 159 – 6 lines from the end of the page (line starts, 'ukmo...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

A usual faulty is part of the limb. Then there is the source. And to perform unusual activities, like jumping then the essence of the faculty must be used.

Reish Lakish was the head of a gang. Across the river he saw the beauty of Reb Yochanan. He liked the beauty he saw and jumped the river. He told him your strength in jumping this river is suitable for Torah. And your beauty is suitable for women. Well, if you learn Torah with exertion I will give you my sister who is more beautiful than me, replied Reb Yochanan. And so it was. He saw the essential strength of the gangster and know it could be converted.

The strength is hidden, not due to being hidden, but because it does not fit into a functioning state.

Jumping the river comes in a form of power that is uncontrollable – it could not be used for making a fine diagram. Thus it is concealed – it does not relate to the functional element.

This is where there is the main difference between the gibor/mighty and the weak. The mighty man draws on his most concealed essential faculties and thus nothing is too heavy for him.

The mighty/gibor man is daring. In his mind he can do anything. He will not approach a task with, 'can I do it?' but rather with, 'how will I do it?'  

There is also the daring of mind. He finds the sechel/mind element even if it is far concealed and totally unobtrusive. The gibor/mighty seeks it out and makes it identifiable. This is due to the gevurah/strength of chochmah/mind.

This exclusively the 'mighty one of mind' (gibor bechochmah). He can understand and break apart any sechel. This is called a great chocham/sage. Revealed chochma is seeing elements and inter-relationships more than others... but we are not talking of this.

The mighty one, applies to the one who can extract concealed things, to the extent that actually nothing stays concealed to him. He delves into an area that 'makes no sense altogether' and he digs in till he gets the essential truth hidden there.

Splitting the atom is like breaking the unit of matter. The idea of splitting it is beyond sechel/mind.

Sechel observes matter as composites. And by its utility (27 min into the video). Then you go beyond the sechel to the essence that it can be split. Similarly in sechel. There is a construction built on the concept – but this is a concept not the essential truth! The gibor says, 'there is a reality behind the sechel and it is beyond the definition of mind. I will go into the reality and see the real thing!'

man is called 'medaber' – speaker (lit). Why this appellation? Why not 'thinker'?  

The reason is because thought and speech both bring a concept to reality. But the difference is that no matter the degree of thought, it is based on and attached to the mental reality that is held in mind... Dibur/speech has a different capacity. It is not based on, 'this makes sense', but on 'this is true'.

The point is that there's a place where we relate to reality itself rather than to procedure.

This is what the gibor/might one does – he goes beyond the limits of sechel/mind. He goes beyond, 'that's how I understand it.'

The might one reaches in and draws on the hidden faculties. Strength and daring are different things. David went out against Goliath.

The point of strengthening the essential exertion is to bring out hidden faculties... and this has all been to understand the blowing of the soul into the body...!

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