Thursday, May 24, 2012

“Open Eyes” p: 162-3

AyinBase with R' Paltiel ThursdayNight 3 Sivan 5772 

Page 162 – at 6th to last line of the second para. (line starts, 'she ayno...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

Essence cannot be defined in sechel/mind, yet it can have the insight that essence exists. This is because chochmah/wisdom is an emanation from the soul.

If you keep your chochmah alive you know that, like a host of the meal, the essence cannot be defined. This is where the chochmah is vulnerable to the coarseness of the world, and one can say, 'this is all imaginary'! Chochmah is like sight, and one can easily 'close your eyes'.

Inside the text: so just like the light is connected to the sun itself, similarly every light that is connected to an essence, is like an essence. Thus it is like tzurah atzmius / essential form.

But a light that comes through an obstacle or filter, is a likeness of the essence, but it is not essential.

Gilui / revelation is that something is known 'outside'. Essence cannot be know outside. Up until the world was created there was just, 'Him and His name alone'. This is His Essence, referred to as 'Him' since He is hidden.

This is an essential concealment. This means there is 'no particular step taken to keep it concealed'. It is not 'in the realm of revelation'.

'HisName' refers to the element of gilui/revelation, which is just a reflection of the essence, but not the essence itself.

We are looking to understand, 'a revelation of a reflection alone, and not really the essence' – isn't it obvious?! Essence cannot be revealed. And why reflection? Why not ohr/light? Ha-arah refers to the functional aspect of the light, and not the essential element.

In darkness it is possible to say the world is the result of an accidental occurrence. You just have objects interacting with each other. You don't see anything. This is darkness.

The heart of darkness is a concealment of reality. Similarly on the other side, light allows you to see objects, but that is just the effect. The principle of light is that, 'there is a reality'.

This is why we are saying the ohr from the essence is just a functional element, because the essential element of the light is essence, and that is not revealed.

He is essence, and His Name is a revelation of a reflection.

The essence of light is 'the principle of reality'.

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