Friday, May 25, 2012

“Out of Your Gourd” p: 163

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Friday 4 Sivan 5772 
Page 163 – at 4th line of the page (line starts, 'ki im...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

We started to explain the principle of essence and ohr/light. We looked at the principle of ohr ein sof / the light without end – or the infinite light. Infinity pertains to an etzem/essence. Something that is not an essence cannot be infinite. So how is a light infinite? The explanation is that this light is a light, but a light that is representative of the essence. This is like before the creation of the world there was just, 'He and His Name alone'.

Chochmah is a perception of reality. It has a vessel and it 'makes sense' though it is above needing proofs. ratzon/will does not even relate to the principle of 'making sense'. It is from a level higher than being presentable or suitable for vessels.

Thus ohr/light (like chochmah) has a relation to gilui / revelation and vessels. But essence (like ratzon/will) has no relationship to vessels or revelations.

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