Friday, May 4, 2012

“Soul Connection” p: 160

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Friday 12 Iyar 5772 

Page 160 – about a third from the top of the page (line starts, 'behiskalus...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.
The extensive discussion we have been having is to see that the gibor/mighty one reveals a 'non-existent' faculty/koach. It is not present as a functional faculty and he is capable of revealing and awakening. He brings forth the most hidden faculties and powers.

This is like creating man and blowing his soul into him through his nostrils. The Zohar says when one blows it comes from an internal level. And the Alte Rebbe explains that it refers to the essence of the soul that is above all the functional faculties/kochot.

The yechidah is the level of the soul that is completely unified and pure. It is the statement of truth of the soul. Nevertheless it makes a statement. There is the essence of the soul that makes no expression is above that.

This is what compels revelations to come forth from the nefesh/soul. It is not natural – the light would want to stay with its source. Something superiour to all sources, namely the essence of the soul compels expression and revelations.

The essence is not the blower nor that which is blown into the nostrils. It is rather that element within the blower from which it comes.

Thus the source of the blow, called the essence of the nefesh, allows the soul to relate to revelations, to sechel/mind, and midot/emotion and beyond that to ratzon/will and tynug/pleasure. And here ratzon/will and tynug/pleasure is not related to any kind of desirable experience.

Nefesh/soul is a living entity. This is in contrast to life of the body, which is just functional. We sense in the body a sense of life that is inexplicable. It is an essential element. This is revealed in a manner that the body can relate to it.

This is the meaning of the verse, 'in the form does man walk'. Hiluch/walking here means that 'I can start in one place, see a goal in the distance and use the function of walking to get there'.

The seeing of the other place and the intent of being there is instantaneous. For that you don't need to walk. For the human being, the entire world is his platform – he is everywhere at all times – but this is with the higher perception.

At the practical level however, he has to be in one place at a time, and get to the next place by means of a process – this is called hiluch. For his faculties to be in the new place and have correct orientation, he has to cover the ground... this is why walking is called revelation of the faculties.
The revelation of faculties depends on the essence compelling it.  

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