Friday, November 2, 2012

“Essential Form” p: 172

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Friday 17 Cheshvan 5772 

Page 172 11 lines from the top of the page – (line starts, 'nafshi...') For text, see picture below.

Light as it shows itself can be known. But the essence of light is unknowable. Light is tzurah atzmis – essential form – a form that is part-and-parcel of the essence. But there is no form in essence?! And this is how the discussion began, by asking well, where does light come from. We said light is volitional, and it is a statement of the essence. It is a creation, yet essential.

By His will, He came to be in an aspect of light. Thus this light is cleaving to essence.

Since the light came due to His will, His will to represent Himself in light, therefore we can properly call the light a tzurah atzmit / essential form.

And souls have an essential element, since they are rooted in this Essence. Thus souls and and Torah are beyond understanding.

In the ohr ein sof that is before the tzimzum, there are also levels of light – namely the essence of light and the spreading/hispashtut of the light.

This is the overall general perspective of the world of atzilus – essence of light and spreading of the light. In general 'world' is a composite, not an essence, but here it is just the inception of multiplicity.

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