Wednesday, November 21, 2012

“Walking Through Thorns” p:173

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Wednesday 7 Kislev 5772 

Page 173 at third into the page – (line starts, 'mikol makom...') For text, see picture below.

We are dealing with the way the Rebbe says, 'spreading of the light' is like 'dibur/speech'.

The body is like a 'garment' for the soul. Like a well fitting jacket serves you well and can even bring you 'respect', yet it is still separate from you.

The body and soul have a similar relationship. The soul is dressed in the body. The body is only a garment.

They are very different entities, but are united. This union is not that the soul is held against its will... The light of the soul affects the body and it comes to life.

'The letters of thought / otiot hamachshavah' are also a garment, but it can be exchanged. A person can divest himself of one thought and dress up in another thought.

Why are 'letters' associated with thought? Thought comes from the soul itself. It emanates basically from the ratzon/will and oneg/pleasure of the nefesh.

Thought is a garment. That which comes into thought comes in the form of a distinct entity. Machshavah is conscious thinking – and this thinking has the vessels that are used – these are the letters.

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