Thursday, November 8, 2012

“For His Own Pleasure” p: 172

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Thursday 23 Cheshvan 5772 

Page 172 at 8 line into the second paragraph – (line starts, 'be-bechinat tzurah...') For text, see picture below.

Light is a product of essence, it is not a creation per se. It tells you there is an essence. It tells you, 'essence is present'.

The effect of sunlight is the sun, not the light. The verse says, 'the sun rules by day'. Why not the 'light rules by day'? This is because the presence of the sun is what creates the day time.

Even the light that is spread out, it still qualifies as a tzurah atzmis / essential form, that is like the essence.

This is like where it says, 'the servant of the king is like the king'. This means that while he is an agent of the king, it is 'the king speaking'.

Light is a representation of the presence of essence. And essence is present automatically, not by process. If you expand your home, this is automatically, also part of your domain. This is the meaning of essence being automatically present.

Essence is infinite, and thus the light has this quality too. Just like you are present in every corner of your home, without you having to go visit every crack and crevice.

'His name' is ohr ein sof / infinite light.

Name refers to the person, but really it is only a reflection.

The name is symbolic of the 'truth of his presence'. Animals don't have names, since they are a species. Humans have an individual presence and an individual name.

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