Sunday, November 11, 2012

“You Have a Name; You are Real” p: 172

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Sunday 26 Cheshvan 5772 

Page 172 at 7 lines from end of the page – (line starts, 'hitchabrut...') For text, see picture below.

We are talking about the name of a person. And talking about the degrees of relationship between the name and the person.

The name can apply to property that he owns. And this is very significant. Ownership is affectuated by application of his name. Ownership in Torah has a positive definition – a true and positive relationship.

He has a name because he is real. It is not a convention.

The essence of the name has an aspect of connection and unity with him.

The name is the aspect of a person that allows him to own property. He has a reality that spreads beyond his inner reality.

'Name' and 'light' have similar features. 

He has a name due to a human status.

When he is called by his name, it does not have the full degree of connection to him.

A name of a child is something that fits and belongs. A child deserves a name. By contrast a dog may get a name if an owner give him one. The dog does not have a 'name' quality.

A child's name is not a convention. He must have a name.

A human being has a name – it is imperative.

We need to remember and revisit the basis for these distinctions. In the world you can have a pet rock and give a name to a dog – you see just conventions and utility. But that is only if you view the world exclusively as a physical entity.

If you accept the principle that the human being is a 'smart monkey' then all discussed here is irrelevant.

We are saying something else. We say reality starts not from the darkness and physical. We say it starts from the light – from the G-dly will. He intended a world with G-dly significance and especially the human being that represents this...

All essence is a spark from Elokus – G-dliness. Without that there is no essence.

And even down here in the world, this truth permeates.

A soldier under attack, needs clarity of mind and focus to effectively return fire. Just to aim requires great concentration. He has to have this presence of mind while under fire. This indicates he remains a full human being who understands the danger, but still can follow through because he sees that his king is under attack.

The point is that he is greater than himself. He has a name, because G-d gave him a name through his parents. Parents have children, and each one is a whole world.

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