Thursday, November 22, 2012

“I See It; I Touch It” p:173

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel ThursdayNight 8 Kislev 5772 

Page 173 at middle of the page – (line starts, 'mikol sheposhet...') For text, see picture below.

We're looking at stuff. Physical stuff. Matter is defined as taking up space. Really it displaces other objects from taking the same place. Space cannot be displaced. When you move an object it leaves the space behind. So really 'taking up space' is not altogether accurate. In darkness objects are tangible.

This is a very important observation and distinction, since, the world says, 'I am here! I am here! I am here!' is not really so present. Things are 'here' relative to other things.

This is the definition of physicality according to the world that worships physicality.

Then comes the Torah and says, G-d said, 'let there be light and there was light'. Things are visible. Presence is not limited to tangibility.  

This is all for us to understand light/ohr as it is discussed in Chassidus, all the time...

Light relates to a dimension of the physical world that the physicality of the world claims doesn't exist. It is a a different level of reality. A level beyond tangibility.

If we think of the world as 'self made' then it lacks light. It is just tangible. The light has a reality beyond tangibility.

Light makes things visable. I can see things without being touched by them. Without bumping against them. Visibility speaks of another dimension. This is where our dispute comes in. They say, 'wait a second, it is light deflecting off a physical object, they propose, that sight is a subtle sense of touch... and the reason it does this is due to its tangibility... '

In saying this they dismiss the presence of light and visibility in the real sense of these words. They reduce it to physical phenomenon.

And this is where we differ.

Why do we differ? Why can the world not see it this way? Can they not accept that there is a real reality? Because they would have to admit that Something is giving it a reality, beyond their understanding.

You cannot destroy matter. You see objects, just because they are there. That itself is a G-dly experience. He made the world and that's why it is real.

We say things are not 'fighting for their existence'. He provides for them. It is not a 'dog-eat-dog' world. He provides infinity. He makes the sky first, showing the infinity...

Relative existence is fine in the context of the world, but that does not account for the fact of existence. We watch our health and financial situation, but we are absolutely for real... we have a reality way beyond our physical setting and identity... we have real soul and real intelligence.

Believe your eyes, believe your soul...

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