Wednesday, November 7, 2012

“Light Rules” p: 172

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Wednesday 22 Cheshvan 5772 

Page 172 at 6 line into the second paragraph – (line starts, 'hu...') For text, see picture below.

This second paragraph starts with pointing out that in the light above the tzimzum, there are also levels. These are the essence of light and the spreading of the light.

Up till here we have described that light is 'in His image' since it cleaves to the essence.

The principle of light is essence. There is no light without essence.

Now the Rebbe adds that this light, also contains levels. They are, the essence of light and the spreading of light. From this it can be said that the spreading of the light is also, 'in His image / tzalmenu'.

Light per se contradicts our world. The verse says, 'light rules by day'. That is to say it is not vested in the world, but rules over it. It gives the world a different perspective.

Another way to relate to light, here in our world is as energy deflecting off objects, but that is not real light. Light is the idea of light. Something that unites everything in the world.

A man in prison, in a bright artifically lit cell, craves sunlight.

Our tranquilty is based on the sense of things being based in reality. We feel comfort knowing that the world 'hangs on nothing' is 'is held in His hands'. When you put something on the table you ultimately rely on this, not the solidity of the table.

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