Sunday, November 4, 2012

“He Decided” p: 172

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Sunday 19 Cheshvan 5772 

Page 172 4 lines from the top of the second paragraph – (line starts, 'nafshi...') For text, see picture below.

Baruch started the shiur with a question and discussion.

Rabbi added, the Rambam says, “the foundation of all foundations – the basis of all reality – and the pillar of wisdom – is the knowledge that there is a First Being”. The is knowledge you have before any wisdom. Wisdom is founded upon it.

And how is this a necessity for wisdom? Why can't wisdom be applied to a secondary level, I see the world and I can apply wisdom to it?! The definition of wisdom is, there is no other source, but the wisdom.

If the reality is due to touching the object with your hand, then it lacks a wisdom foundation. It conceals wisdom. Chochmah/wisdom is the faculty that initiates your perception of anything.

There is the realization that primary reality precedes experience!

Without this you don't have wisdom, just information imposed on you due to your physical experience.

Essence wanted to represent itself in light. In light there is the essence element and then there is a 'light' element. Essence wanted to represent itself in a presence – to be 'knowable'.

Atzilus is the highest world. It is an emanation. But it is a world – it has light in vessels.

Elokus/G-dliness, in contrast to world is a primary truth, it 'cannot not be'! Atzilus is Elokus, yet we call it a world.

Atzilus is a revelation. This revelation within the ohr ein sof, is the 'spreading / hispashtut of the light' element.

Light spreads, since there is an essence of light. We live in a dark world, but we can accept light because we say, 'this darkness is not the only reality that exists'. If there was no essence, then there could not be the 'spreading of light' that is truly representative of light. It would all be re-translated as darkness...!

Spreading of light is the principle of gilui/revelation.

Light to the sun is like darkness to the earth. The sun knows not that darkness exists!

Thus the sun does not have 'light', because it does not have 'darkness'. But the sun produces ohr/light, that is a representation of the sun. It says, 'light does exist, and light is a truth.

Hispashtus/spreading is where its contrast with darkness is recognized.

It is an import to a place where the essence is not present, but it is accepted, since there is a perception that, 'such a thing as light exists'.

It says 'there is visability', and you can relate to things since they really exist, not because they affect you'. Light is a statement, “there is a First Being that makes reality. Darkness is the experience of 'just bumping against stuff'”.

This is True Presence, being translated in a place where it doesn't exist – in world!

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