Tuesday, November 20, 2012

“Invited” p:173

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Tuesday 6 Kislev 5772 

Page 173 at 9th line from the top of the page – (line starts, 'kuli...') For text, see picture below.

A person cannot really divest himself of having a name. Above, not that He is compelled to have a name, but when He chooses to reveal a name it is unified with Him.

The hispashtus/spreading light also has an element of essence. This is like tha application of a person's name to the property he owns.

One may say, 'possession is ownership'. But how does one own a piece of land.

On an external level you may say there is a social agreement. But ownership is real.

Land cannot be stolen. How is one's name expanded and associated with property in an unbreakable way? This is because the name is a ha-arah/reflection of the person and the essential truth of his presence.

So we see this hispashtus – extension of the name – remains connected to him.

The body is unified with the soul. It is not just that the soul is stuck in the body. The soul quality reflects itself in the body – the body is alive.

The body has no life of its own. The light of the soul enlivens it. The body acquires a soul element and is affected by it. A body without a soul cannot last at all. A soul has an essential quality and does not disintegrate. If the body were to completely nullify itself to the soul it would live indefinitely.

The body structure is reflective of the soul that it contains – mochin/mind and middot/emotions and then action...

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