Friday, November 30, 2012

It Cannot be Destroyed!” p:173-4 AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Friday 16 Kislev 5772

Page 173/קעג
4th line from the end of the page – (line starts, 'ukmo...') For text, see picture below.

We are saying that even the light after the tzimzum/contraction is drawn from the infinite light that precedes the tzimzum. This means that in fact the infinite light is the initiator...

There is nothing more worldly than physical matter, yet it cannot be destroyed! This indicates its source above world...

The tzimzum is a bigger break than the parsa. The parsa is a separation. Nevertheless, what does it receive in order to facilitate what comes after it? The very reality of the light.

Tzimzum is different – it is the aspect of concealment and absence of the light. It removes the light as a step one, and then reintroduces it into a new situation.

So the tzimzum is a more profound break. So why do we say the light after the tzimzum has the essential quality that was present before the tzimzum?

To be continued...

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