Thursday, April 4, 2013

“One on One!” p:14 – 15

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel ThursdayNight 24 Nissan 5773

Page 14
2nd line from the end of the second paragraph of the page – (line begins: ve-ha-ah-havah...') For text, click: Here.

We are looking at 'run and return' in avodah/service. The ratzu is the cleaving to the Godly light that comes as a result of the hisbonenut/meditation. The hisbonenut is on 2 topics – 1. the special attention that God gives the world, and his attention to the world and enclothment in it, and 2. the way Godliness is 'way above world'.

As one reflects on this greatness he becomes more and more affected by the closeness that God has chosen to show to him and the world. He senses the enormous good that is given to him in the Torah and mitzvoth. He sees a revelation of Godliness in worldly affairs...!

this torah and mitzvoth which are done in the world are the return... the coming back into worldly awareness and affairs... and having the Godly awareness right here...

it comes after the ratzu/run... this is a return that follows the 'run'... and there is an element of running in the return... and return in the running...!

One becomes involved in torah and mitzvoth and learning... his mind/sechel is engaged... the mitzvoth are performed in the physical world... such as eating matzah... and he has a bite and says, 'ah, good matzah...' So where is the Godliness in it and the run/strive for God...? The answer is because now he is aware of the Godly/elokus element in the action since it follows after his ratzu/run towards God...!

In the run/ratzu there is striving for a revelation of Godliness, for the sake of union with Godliness...

the gilui/revelation of Godliness has 'the real meaning of the world gilui' – in the hisbonenut/meditation there is the recognition of Godliness... gilui/revelation is where there is Godliness in his world directly – 'One on one'...! There is a statement of 'we are together, participating...!'

In the cleaving of love his thirst is not quenched. It is a constant craving without rest.

The thirst comes due to the meditating/hisbonenut – and the basis of the thirst is the soul itself. Soul is Godliness and wants Godliness/elokus and cannot identify with world. So here in the world the soul experiences a constant thirst for Godliness...

And his meditating results in the presence of Godliness, but not a revelation of Godliness...

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