Friday, April 19, 2013

“Small and Big” p:16

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel ThursdayNight 9 Iyar 5773

Photo: Batya
Page 16 (tet zayin). About middle line from top of the page – (line begins: 'kuli amnum...') For text, click: Here.

We found that a return follows the run, and a run follows the return.

In order for there to be a inter-inclusion of each phase, even though they are opposites. And certainly when these are inner phases of the soul. At this level each is self satisfied and is not seeking to accomplish anything.

Learning is a focused activity – till you focus in and can connect on a soul/nefesh level. That is the real experience of learning.

There are 2 levels – during the process and then the effect. During the process you can see a flash of an idea, and say, 'oh, I get the point'. And this is a special moment, but if this flash is not pursued so that you have the significance, then this is call 'smallness/katnus'. There is a focus on the experience rather than on the significance.

This is a 'fools learning' since you have a pleasant experience, but not a grasp of the significance.

So if you have the kiruv/closeness, and satisfaction of the love, but not the inner realization of the significance and the return to Torah and Mitzvoth, then this is a 'smallness'.

With the world you can put your hand on things and grab them. But Godliness is a fundamental truth. Like you cannot grab space with your hand, so too you must seek Godliness in truth rather than how it is in contrast to world. At that level there are no definitions/parameters, just relating to Godliness – this is Torah and Mitzvoth.

Gadlus/big mind, is a relating to Godliness, not as it is contrast to world, but rather to relate directly to what He is giving, this is Torah and Mitzvoth.

You have a soul that is Godly. Though you see a human being in the world, he is not really a worldly entity. He is a soul in a body. He is essentially a soul.

In order that there should be the inter-inclusion that each phase brings its opposite, this is due to the revelation of a higher light that is above the opposites of ratzu/run and shuv/return. And due to this high light there is inter-inclusion – hiskalelus.

This light that is higher than both phases is through the services of Torah.

What is Torah? Yes, it gives us rules of how to behave, but there are worldly codes of behavior too. So what's the difference? The fundamental difference is this: laws of the world are based on the benefit they bring in terms of living in the world. The rule itself is insignificant.

Torah law is completely different. It defines a Torah reality. It created different domains.

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