Thursday, April 18, 2013

“Pleasure in Service” p:16

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Thursday 8 Iyar 5773

Photo: Batya David
Page 16 (tet zayin). About 10th line from top of the page – (line begins: 'mikol mah...') For text, click: Here.

We are looking at how even at the highest level of self effacement and nullification, yet still there is inspiration. It comes not from himself, but from the master. The servant can even add beauty to the work, because he is inspired by the master.

This is to clarify to us, that there is external and internal levels mind/sechel. The inner level is what defines a human being.

And in serving God there is a similar process – one senses, 'God wants this' and nullifies himself to that desire, and in doing so there is a sensing of the 'pleasure from Above'. The man gives himself over and is totally obedient and then he feels pleasure?! Yes, this is based on his previous ratzu/quest for Essence and his identification of the original truth...

And then anything he can do in connection with this Essence and Truth gives him pleasure... How does he feel pleasure? Because he realizes that such a truth exists. And this is the greatest possible elevation that he can sense...

And that provides the pleasure.

There is joy and pleasure in his soul. There is a personal sense of this.

He experience the pleasure from above, and from below there is pleasure in that he has the privilege to sense this.

'I have been granted a gift that is totally beyond me, and I have a soul that wants the truth, but not for personal gain. This is a soul nature. My soul goes this way. The soul wants the truth for its own sake, and it is willing to give up everything to be connected to this truth'.

So when he has this approach his self nullification does not nullify him, but rather brings out the purest element from within, till he takes pleasure in the pleasure above, since he is totally connected to it.

So now we can see how there can be a ratzu/run after the shuv/return. This is because there is joy and pleasure in the 'return', based on his soul and sourced above, irrespective of the self nullification and so the ratzu/run is reawakened again. He says, 'look how wonderful this is, let's go further'.

The run and return are inter-included even though in essence they are opposites.

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