Thursday, April 11, 2013

“Soul Desire” p:15

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Thursday 1 Iyar 5773 

Photo: Batya David of Mitzpe Rimon
Page 15
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There is a desire that takes a person out of his kelim/receptacles.

Sechel is mind and machshavah is thought. Thought is like an awareness of mind. Thought involves letters and vessels – and an inner language, but you are not aware of it. You are aware only of the content. The content fits the sechel/mind.

Going out of the vessel/keli is saying, 'I don't want to know the sechel – I want to be it'. And the reason for this statement is because essence is not knowable. There is no essence principle in a worldly context. In the world everything is a co-ordinated composite. Essence has no parts.

His entire desire and will is just to be step out and to be included in essence itself. Not to know it. But to be included there in that level that is beyond world.

How does he come to want such a level. He's in the world and how does he get such a desire? The answer is that the sechel/mind is really a soul element and the nefesh/soul is not worldly – it is Godly.

So when there is an appeciation of the greatness of God it is a purely soul/nefesh appreciation, to which he is drawn and he doesn't want to return to world.

The Rebbe Rashab, had an illness that did not allow him to see the world. His father came to visit and he had a cane with a silver handle. This he could see. His father left it there because it connected him to the world.

We must know that the life we experience is not worldly. It is a Godly reality.

A person has an element that is not worldly, and if that is tapped, he does not want world. This is what happened with Nadav and Avihu. These sons of Aaron allowed this desire to surface without any restraint.

When the love goes beyond desire and feels pleasure, by experiencing the presence of the Beloved, then this is ahavah betynugim (love in pleasure) and this is a pure soul quality, that results in a loss of interest in world. Godliness is the real reality. It is not a facilitator to enable participation in world.

Truth needs not explanation. Godliness does not have a reason for being and it does not need a reason.

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