Thursday, July 25, 2013

“Equal Exposure” p: 30

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Thursday 18 Menachem Av


Page 30 (lamed). About 10 lines from end of the page – (line begins: 'ha-kochot...') For text, click: Here.

We are saying the soul has hidden faculties.

A man is not like a horse. He has a soul quality in all his actions. His walking has to have a purpose. The higher faculties provide the platform for the lower faculties. Even the king's simple servant is not just putting, 'brick on top of brick' – he knows he is building a palace.

The hidden faculties receive their vitality from the soul itself.

The soul is an essence and not composite. So how are faculties seen there? This is because there is an element of the faculty that is so true, it is seen at all levels.

4 lines from the end of the page: each faculty points to the soul directly, since for the hidden faculties there is not the element of 'practical necessity'. Nevertheless the faculties differ from each other in the their principle qualities and in the significance of each of them.

At the level of the revealed faculties they follow from the mochin/mind, which provides their base. But for hidden faculties, that element does not exist since they are all coming from the soul.

Mochin/mind and middot/emotions are essentially different. Mind it to identify the truth. The purpose of emotions/midot is to function accordingly. The midot have an element of personal identification – saying, 'I want to be correct'.

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