Thursday, July 18, 2013

“General and Specific” p: 30

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Thursday 11 Menachem Av


Page 30 (lamed). A third into the page – (line begins: 'bane...') For text, click: Here.

We are saying that atzilus (corresponding to chochmah) is the intermediary between infinity and the creations. This is like the way chochmah is an intermediary between oneg/delight and the specific faculties.

How do they perform this function? Being that atzilus is the revelation of infinity (ohr ein sof) that is coming from a hidden state (helem) into revelation.

Atzilus is identical to what precedes it, except that it is now revealed. This coming into revelation, is a move from one level to another. It comes from concealment into revelation... thus it can relate to creations.

Think of breathing. Real breathing means you have a sense that you are part of a total environment... this makes it real life. It comes from a real presence...

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