Sunday, July 21, 2013

“Including Everything” p: 30

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel
Photo: Batya David, Israel
Sunday 14 Menachem Av 5773

Page 30 (lamed). Below the middle of the page – (line begins: 'atzmi'im...') For text, click: Here.

The last few lines were a brief, review of the metaphor of the soul and the faculties and the way the delight of the soul spreads forth and is present in all the faculties...

the soul is the one that participates. The faculties themselves do not have the delight. And we had the question of how does the soul relate to specific faculties...? We answered by saying there is the chochmah/wisdom that makes this incredible linkage between the infinite and the finite.

Chochmah/wisdom is special, since it does not request, 'I want to personally understand what you are showing me...' - it just relates to the fundamental truth and does not need any personal substantiation of what it is learning.

It can take the truth in its pure state.

A king brings out a fundamental reality to the nation. There need to be practical regulations, but they are there not from a negative reason. But due to the reality of the nation. Chochmah is like this. It senses the reality of a situation. It relates to the truth without any trigger or negative element.

Chochmah is unique. It includes everything – a koach klali. How can anything include everything? A whole bunch of stuff and things? And how did they get in there? This is due to the fact that chochmah recognizes the truth of the essence and is nullified to that while remaining an existence/metziut.

Think of the king. People give different reasons why we need a government. And people speak from different vantage points. And then the chocham says, 'actually we need a king'. He provides for everything by making one big statement, 'this is a nation that is real' – and this is beyond 'everything'.

Chochmah contains everything, because it relates to that which is higher than everything.

He created the word and remains with the world – this gives it a fundamental reality. And from this fundamental reality comes everything that the world needs. Who makes this transition of revealing it into the world – the chocham/wise master.

Chochmah/widom identifies everything from infinity (ohr ein sof). This phenomenon is what allows us to aclimate to all kind of continual changes. It knows the essence and knows that everything is possible.

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